Once a month the Portland Zoo does a $2 Tuesday so we thought we would brave the rain and go see the animals last Tuesday (April 13th). It was worth it! A lot of the animals were out because the weather was cooler and we got to see sea otters, sea lions, polar bears, lions, monkeys, giraffes, zebras, hippos, elephants, and some exotic birds in the huge aviary.
Usually on $2 Tuesday the zoo is packed because schools take bus loads of kids for field trips and it really is a "zoo" trying to get around and see all the animals. Because it was slightly raining the day we went (it cleared up later), the crowds were few in number so we had a wonderful time. We were there when the gates opened at 9am and stayed long enough for the sun to come out and warm up around 12:30 and then we headed home for a late lunch.
There is a new exhibit for Africa and it includes Lions, it is really cool!
This is toward the end of our zoo trip so the kids are a little worn out and ready to head back to the house for a nice lunch and nap time. You can see it written all over Katelynn's face :(
Video of Lauren looking at the sea lions. It was so fun to watch her watching these big animals swim around and around. They would swim next to the glass and circle around in a loop, so I took her and we stood right in front of where it would rub against the glass. We could see it so well you could reach out and almost feel its nose, whiskers, belly, and flippers. They are big animals! It was really cool.