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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cutest bunnies in the world!

Have you ever seen such cute bunny slippers?! Of course the baby makes them so much cuter :)
I just happened to snap this photo at the right moment because she gave a little smile...even if it was in her sleep it is just perfect.
So far Jon has been the one posting everything but I have a few minutes and thought I should add my two cents...(30 min. later ) just kidding about having some time, two kids keep you busy...(another 30 min. later)...so, with the way things are going you might not hear from me too often, ha, ha!
Just want you to all know that I am so proud of my two little girls and my hubby. My kiddos are both darling and as for Jon, well he is just handsome. I really couldn't have made it through labor and delivery without him. The only thing that seemed to help through the contractions was to hold onto Jon's fingers and squeeze as hard as I could. It was the least I could do to let him know how I was feeling. A few times during delivery I told him it was his turn and time to switch places, that got a chuckle from the nurses. He said he would pass...really, I wish there was a way to give men just a little taste of what it feels like to have a baby, the pain and the joy.
I am glad Lauren got here safe, my biggest fear was go into labor while in the grocery store or somewhere out of the house with Katelynn. Every night I prayed that it would happen when Jon was at home and it did. It just so happens that two hours previous to going into labor, I was at the hospital taking a tour of the birthing center. I went home from the tour that was from 6-8pm and got in the shower and it all kicked in and before I knew it I was back at the hospital and in lots of pain! Four o'clock Halloween morning Lauren made her appearance. Amazing and painful all at once. My epidural wore off just as it was time to deliver and kicked in right after so there I was in agony and then it was all over and I couldn't move my legs...go figure.
Needless to say Halloween won't be the same anymore with birthday celebrations and such. Funny thing is that Katelynn was born the day before my birthday and now Lauren on Halloween, guess my memory is so bad that my kids had to be born on dates I wouldn't forget.
I am happy being a mom. The blessings are amazing! It has been just over a week since Lauren was born and already she is changing, I forgot how fast that happens. My mother-in-law, Kathy, came to help for a week and I couldn't have done it without her. I didn't get any sleep in the hospital and was exhausted when we came home, Kathy let me get the sleep I needed to start mending and getting back on my feet. She also helped out a lot with Katelynn who is trying to figure out what has just happened to her world. Grandmas are great for spoiling grandchildren :)
Well, until next time. Catch you later :) ~Sarah


Teryn said...

Sarah, she's so beautiful! You and Jon make beautiful little girls :) I'm so sad, but I can't get together this week, I forgot I was going out of town. I'll call you later and we can set up another day! I hope you're doing well with this new adjustment! I would love to come and get Kaitlyn for a play day some time :)

Emily said...

what an adorable picture. Grandma's are good for spoiling kids and helping mommy after kids are born. The only time you get that help so enjoy it lol. You have girls I have boys - tine to switch on the next ones? LOL Halloween can't be as bad as a Christmas birthday... Wyatt was born five days before... poor kid.

:) said...

Congratulations Sarah! How exciting. So does Lauren look exactly like you as well? Glad that you have this blog, I love to keep in touch! Hope that you are doing well and getting lots of sleep. . .