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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Exciting News!!!!

Hey everybody, I've got some, yep you guess it--exciting news!! Today two things happened. First this morning I got a call from Gieco Insurance who I applied to about a week and a half ago. The guy talked to me about the position, Auto Claims Adjuster that I applied for in Seattle. He asked if I would be able to attend 12 weeks of training, he then said it consists of 2 months in San Diego and a month out in Virginia, Whoa! I said let's go for it. It will be all paid for but that is a lot of time away from my family. Training starts in March and goes till the end of June. After talking with me he set up a time I could take an online test, I took that test and he said I passed and that he wanted to do a phone interview. So I have an interview Friday morning!! After I talked to him this morning I went to the "networking" lunch where I met with someone who works at Country Financial about an agent job there, we talked a little about the position and he took my resume and said he would give it to the person that does the interviews. That sounds good but Gieco actually sounds better. So things are starting to happen!!
Also something else cool. When I was at this lunch a lady who works at a local dentist office which has multiple offices in the area and just happens to be owned and operated by dentists that are members of the church made a cool announcement. The company she works for is offering free services this Friday only. It is there way to help others in need, especially those with no insurance, such as us at the moment they're wanting to do at least $75000 in free services. They will be doing free exams, ex rays, cleaning, and fillings all for free. So I made an appointment. Sarah is actually heading down to Rexburg to get a crown put on by a dentist down there that is the family dentist to some of our family down there for only $600, this price is amazingly low. We have been so blessed during this time of me not having a job. I just filed our tax returns and we will be getting a huge amount back, twice the amount we got back last year!! Heavenly Father is really looking after us and blessing us. More exciting news to come, I'm sure of it!!


Jennifer Lindstrom said...

This is Rob. Nice to hear that the Lord is blessing you and opening up opportunities for employment. When my car was wrecked I dealt with Geico insurance and they were very customer service oriented. Needless to say everything, I mean everything went very smoothly. In fact if I didn't have insurance with a local friend I would most definitely go with Geico. We are excited to see Sarah. My doctor will take care of her I'm positive of this. Know we are praying for you guys. Take care!

Jennifer Lindstrom said...

It's Jenn, this time! First of all, WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! That's so exciting. Maybe Sarah can just move down here while you're away. 2nd of all, That's CUHRAZY about the dentist up there. Wow, you are sure being blessed for your faith! Love you guys!