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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another update about Jon's job search

I have some very exciting news! Although I don't have a new job yet, within the past two days I have set up three interviews!!!! I have two on Friday in the Seattle area, one of which is just around the corner from the Seattle Temple and one the following Tuesday again up in the Seattle area. These are entry-level Marketing and Advertising jobs that require no experience just the right personality. We are really excited. To get to these interviews you might think that I would take time off from the job I currently have, well think again I am quitting tomorrow (Jan. 21)!! The company I work for, Terminix Pest Control from what I've heard doesn't give you your two weeks when you give them notice, they just have you quit then. so I'll be letting them know tomorrow and then I can devote all my time to finding a new job. It hasn't been easy to set up interviews while having a job, I've had a couple interviews I have had to cancel because I wasn't able to make it to them because of work.
Yesterday after a lot of thinking and prayers and even a blessing from our neighbor, Sarah and I decided this was the right step to take, even though I don't have a secure job to move into yet. We both have felt that even though it is scary to quit a job and all the possible implications from that monetarily, we are supposed to take this leaf of faith and that things will all work out. If we didn't have the gospel I think we would be a mess. We have felt that Heavenly Father is guiding us and that it is our time to step into the darkness having faith that He will be there and lead us to safety.
We love you all and thank you for your prayers and thoughts. Look forward to hopefully the final "update on Jon's job search" early next week.

1 comment:

JJ said...

I hope the search goes well! And if you move to the Seattle area, it'll be easier for me to visit y'all, so I'd support that decision. :-)