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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our biggest test of faith yet!!! aka. update on jon's job search

Our faith is being put to the test. After quiting my job about a week and a half ago while having 3 job interviews lined up I found out that those "ENTRY LEVEL MARKETING" jobs were bogus! They were misleading in their descriptions and they turned out to be door to door sales, all day long with only a tiny percent of commission. I found many sites on line of people citing these companies as rip offs and scams. Sarah and I were devastated. I had just quit my job and now we had no possible job leads and very little money. Quit honestly we were sick. I asked my dad for a Priesthood blessing and I was told that all will work out, to have patience, be faithful and to be positive. We then went to the Temple and felt a reassurance that we had indeed done the right thing in me quitting my job and that we are being lead somewhere and I needed to quit my job for that to happen. It has been a week and half and still no interviews but things are looking up.
Stress and worry has been apart of our home this past week even after all the assurance, it's still scary running out of money with a family of four and no prospects. I gave Sarah a blessing the other night and she was told that this would all be over very soon.
One issue I have had in the job search is not having any straight career path I wanted to go into. I have been applying to all sorts of jobs with no real direction. All that changed after I went to a career workshop at our Stake Center last night. We were working on finding a career industry that we wanted to pursue then finding a job listed in the back of the book under that industry. I picked management and listed under that in the back of the book was an Insurance claims investigator. I have an investigative nature and really enjoy serving and helping others. I STRONGLY believe that this was NO coincidence that this job was listed under management and that I came across it. I now have a path and direction into a career I can get into. Today I have applied for at least 10 jobs in this field, all requiring skills I have!
Our Father in Heaven is mindful of us and puts tests in our lives to see how faithful we are and if we will rely on Him. I know that we will be OK and that all will work out.


Teryn said...

Wow guys, I'm sorry for all the stress and heart ache... I'm glad that you have the faith to keep strong and that things will work out. I know that I've had my share of challenges and serious stresses, not knowing what the next move will be, yet understanding that whatever it is, it is critical for our family. It's hard while you're going through it, but somehow, through faith, it all works out. Keep your heads up and it sounds like you are already heading in a great direction! Sarah, if you ever want to talk or just hang out, give me a call!

Jennifer Lindstrom said...

Hey guys! You guys are my spiritual idols. I'm sure you have moments of doubt and fear but you don't let that overpower you and crush your faith in the Savior. We pray for you every night and just put your name in the temple yesterday when I went. Something will come along for you guys. It has to. Love you guys!

Jennifer Lindstrom said...

Hey this is Rob in case you were wondering. I can't even imagine the despair and discouragment of what is happening to you right now. It seems as if the Lord has forgotten you. I can reassure you that he hasn't. I've been listening to conference talks on the way down to work this last little while. It's amazing that the apostles know just exactly what to talk about, it's as if they are forecasting upcoming events in the current economic slide. Not only can they do that about the economy, they seem to know what's happening in our lives. These men are truly directed by the spirit. Like Elder L. Tom Perry said in the Saturaday morning session, "the best is yet to come." This is one of my favorite talks ever and I've heard a lot of talks! Also, I would encourage you to listen or read Elder Uchtdorf's message on Hope. I've listened to this one a few times and I always feel the reassurance that everything will be o.k. Just hang in there and eventually your faith will turn the darkness into light. Love you guys. Let me know if you need anything, remember we are family and family helps out in times like this. You better let me know.